Category Archives: Eating And Dieting

Starting With The Paleo Diet- What To Know

Paleo is not only a diet and this is one of the most common misconceptions. Diets need you to measure your food and be restricted in what to eat and what not to. But there are no limitations when you are on a Paleo diet. The only things you have to check and control before eating are the ingredients you use. Paleo is basically a lifestyle which promotes a way of eating a healthy diet. As Atkins diet is the one that helps you to lose weight […]

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What Is Primal Eating- What You Ought To Know About This Healthy Plan

Primal Blueprint eating has been very popular since quite some time now. The strategy of this meal plan is simple- eat fish, eggs, meat, veggies, nuts, fruits and some high fat dairy. But it is not that simple as it may sound to be. You need to hunt for these things just like your ancestors and make meal plans, shopping list and recipe to get started with your Primal meals. Primal diet basically lays stress on eating foods in natural state or maybe very close to the […]

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Paleo Vs. Primal Diet

A lot of health specialists believe that modern civilization’s rate of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer etc. stem from adopting a diet that is rich in processed foods, further exacerbated by sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. But by adopting healthy ways of eating, one can enjoy having a healthy body. The two popular diets that follow the early times of eating and living include the Paleo diet and the Primal Diet. Paleo or the Caveman diet was introduced by Loren Cordain in the year 2002 and […]

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All About Paleo Diet- What Is It And How It Helps?

If you are looking for a healthy diet to change your life for the good then Paleo diet is the best option available. This diet is actually based on the idea of eating foods that our bodies were actually made for thousands of years ago. Such foods were there to the early people through gathering and hunting. During the modern times, innovation in technology have made other foods like processed items, dairy products etc. which are not that simple to digest. Foods that are recommended in this […]

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