Basic Info

Primal Living Benefits

Following the primal diet and choosing foods that are natural and organic is in fact the best approach towards […]

Eating And Dieting

Paleo Vs. Primal Diet

A lot of health specialists believe that modern civilization’s rate of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer etc. stem […]

Eating for Energy

Tips and Tricks

Primal Eating and Pregnancy- Is It Safe? Ads Being pregnant is the happiest phase in a woman’s life but at the same time it is that period of life when you need to be extra careful about what you do, what you eat etc. Primal eating is a lifestyle that has become a craze in recent times. But is it safe for pregnant women? Let’s check it here. Eating a high fat, nutrient packed, protein diet while you are pregnant will give the baby all building blocks required to create a strong and […]

Primal Blueprint- Know The Lifestyle in Detail

What is the Primal blueprint? Primal Blueprint is the way to know what actually makes your body going. It is indeed a way to rejuvenate your body and revitalize your metabolism. Primal Blueprint shows you that you have the power and ability to control your overall health, determine your own body composition as well as direct the genes towards muscle building, fat burning and energy producing ways. It is basically a set of instructions or a blueprint which allows you to have control on the way your […]

The Paleo Diet: Pros and Cons At a Quick Glance

Paleo diet is the contemporary version of what our ancestors ate from Palaeolithic era about 10,000 years ago. The diet plan mainly lays stress on foods that can be gathered or hunted naturally like fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seafood, seeds, poultry etc. Small quantity of healthy oil is permitted though dairy products, grains and processed foods are a complete no-no. So let’s take a closer look at pros and cons of the Paleo diet and whether it is good to follow it or not. Pros Paleo diet […]